Popular history books mini-database
Data license: ODbL · Data source: My history book data
6,681 rows in 4 tables, 1,798 rows in 5 hidden tables
books_tags, books, tags, cats
This is a read only mini-database that can be perused independently, but is mainly intended to be consumed by my history book review site / blog.
If this page looks confusing and you don't know where to start, try this: click on the 'books' table (link below 👇 just above the bottom). When this loads type 'Aztecs' in the search box. That should kick things off.
If you know SQL you can do all sorts - this database uses SQLite. If you don't but you want to get an idea of how you can make queries this is a good place to start.
Here are some notes on how this is all put together, plus the backing csv data for those who are interested.
Anthony Webb, London
Data license: ODbL · Data source: My history book data
6,681 rows in 4 tables, 1,798 rows in 5 hidden tables
books_tags, books, tags, cats